Professional Appointments

(Aug 2013 - present)  Professor, Louisiana State University, Department of Physics & Astronomy

(2008-2013)  Associate Professor, Louisiana State University, Department of Physics & Astronomy

(2007-2008)  Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University, Department of Physics

(2001-2007)  Tenure-TrackAssistant Professor, Southern Illinois University, Department of Physics

(1998-2001)  Postdoctoral Fellow, National Research Council/Naval Research Laboratory, 

                    Artificially Structured Materials Branch, Washington, DC.

Selected Publications (5)

Shane Stadler

​(or view all publications since 2008)

Academic Preparation

B.A. in Physics, Beloit College (1992)
Ph.D. in Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter), Tulane University (1998)

Mn1-xFexCoGe: A strongly correlated metal in the proximity of a noncollinear ferromagnetic state, T. Samanta, I. Dubenko, A. Quetz, J. Prestigiacomo, P. W. Adams, S. Stadler, and N. Ali, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 042408 (2013). [doi: 10.1063/1.4816381]

Interplay between superconductivity and magnetism in Fe1-xPdxTe, A. B. Karki, O. Garlea, R. Custelcean, S. Stadler, E. W. Plummer, and R. Jin, PNAS 110 (23), 9283 (2013). [DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1307113110]

Field-pulse memory in a spin-glass, D. C. Schmitt, J. C. Prestigiacomo, P. W. Adams, D. P. Young, S. Stadler, and J. Y. Chan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (8), 082403 (2013). [DOI: 10.1063/1.4818262]

Spin-Resolved Tunneling Studies of the Exchange Field in EuS/Al Bilayers, Y. M. Xiong, S. Stadler, P.W. Adams, and G. Catelani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (24), 247001 (1-4) (2011)[DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.247001]

Magnetocaloric properties of Ni2Mn1-xCuxGa, Shane Stadler, Mahmud Khan, Joseph Mitchell, Naushad Ali, Angelo M. Gomes, Igor Dubenko, Armando Y. Takeuchi, and Alberto P. Guimarães, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 192511 (2006).


Shane Stadler


Department of Physics & Astronomy

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, LA 70803; 225.578.2025


Shane Stadler, Professor

Department of Physics & Astronomy

Louisiana State University

202 Nicholson Hall

Baton Rouge, LA 70803



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